Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Under the Overpass

What I Would Like to Remember from the journey of Mike Yankoski.

I think I often pray 'Thy will be done' not really meaning that, I think I mean more often, in all honesty, 'Thy will be done because I already know what I'm doing today'.  Thy will be done...we're living what His will means, that though we may go hungry or not achieve something we want, He has His way, grows us as He sees fit, and shows us what He wants us to see. Imagine if we were to forgo all of this just so we could have clean clothes or a refrigerator full of food p.76

Paul suggests in 2 Corinthians 8 that God gives us wealth so that, by giving it away, others will be amazed by God's goodness and give Him thanks" p.73

What's worse? To do dope or to not love your brother? Why do we kick drug users out of the church while quietly overlooking those who are ignoring their own different but equally destructive sins? Why do we reject the loving, self-sacrficing, giving, encouraging, Jesus-pursuing drug addict but recruit the clean, self-interested, gossiping, loveless churchgoer? Which one do you suppose Jesus would rather share a burrito with under a bridge? p 96

But I do know this: blithely allowing this terrible stripping to occur is a blot on the conscience o America, and especially on the conscience of the church. If we as believers choose to forget that everyone- even the shrunken soul lying in the doorway- is made in the image of God, can we say we know our Creator? If we respond to others based on their outward appearance, haven't we entirely missed the point of the gospel? p. 103

Christ died for men precisely because men are not worth dying for: to make them worth it (CS Lewis). p.103

Therefore as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity (Colossians 3:12-14) p.108

We hear a Christian assure someone that he will 'pray over' his problem, knowing full well that he intends to use prayer as a substitute for service. It is much easier to pray that a poor friend's needs may be supplied than to supply them (AW Tozer) p.113

Whatever you did for one of the least of these...you did for me...whatever you did not do for one of the last of these, you did not do for me (Matthew 25:40 and 45) p.130

I do this because my faith tells me to. The Bible clearly says, if you see someone hungry, feed them; if you see someone naked, clothe them. Those words weren't written for us to make books and sermons about. They're written so people don't go hungry and naked. And they require action from all followers of Christ, not just the rescue missions. Anyway, that's how I see it. So I'm trying to live my life that way and be pleasing to Jesus.
Isn't is amazing that when we live as we're called and do what we're commanded, the gospel does get preached- on way or another? p 133

Why do we so often overlook obvious ways to show the love of God we so loudly proclaim? If someone's thirsty, give them a drink! If someone's hungry, feed them! I mean, this is not complicated stuff. p.142

Jesus loves us, so we get to love you. It's a privilege. p.145

True faith is visible. p.146

The words 'Jesus loves you' take on a whole different meaning when you're down and out. You hear them differently. You need them more. Just saying them to the next desperate person you meet could change his day. Wrap those words in friendship, a home-cooked meal, bus fare, and you could change his life. p.147

Love can't cover wrongs if we let frustrations and failures keep us apart. p.161

When someone stopped to talk, even for a minute, the powerful underlying message was 'I notice you, you're a human being, and you're worth my time" p.166

Whenever we close our eyes to the real needs of the real people of our world, we force them to survive via whatever options are available to them, dehumanizing though they may be. p.171

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength (Isaiah 40:29-31) p.172

I was wondering if there are things in my life that I am praying for deliverance from but refuse to let go of. It's a scary thought. p.196

Do you know why I do this? I do this because Christ pulled me out of the mess I was in. Then He told me to do this You want to be free? This is freedom! Enjoy! p.200

When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good land he has given you. Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God (Deut 8:11) p.200

What if following Him is hard? What if along the way He asks you to accomplish difficult tasks or to overcome initimidating obstacles? What if it requires more of you than you have to give? Listen, that's the way it's supposed to be. Those places of need are where you and I discover ourselves, our faith, and- best of all- our God. It's there, in our weakness that He shows Himself true, fiathful, powerful, gracious, and loving. He is calling you- like He does each of His children- to take important risks of faith that are unique to you and your opportunities. I doubt those risks will have much to do with putting on a Christian acronym bracelet or a cross T-shirt. More liekly, your journey will lead you toward utter dependence on the King of kings and a resolution to follow Him wherever He may ask you to go. That might be the streeths, to your friends and family, to your neighbor, or to a stranger you haven't even met yet. Still not sure what your risk might be? Then I dare you to ask yourself a reality-rattling question: What would I do during my day or in my life for God if I wasn't concerned with what I wear, what I eat, where I sleep, what Iown, what people think of me, or what discomforts I face? Think about your answer. You're probably at least in the neighborhood of where your personal journey starts. p.216

Then Jesus said to his disciples, 'If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it (Matthew 16:24-25) p.217

So join Sam and me and so many others in our generation. This Jesus we follow is the Redeemer of the world. This God we serve is the Rock on whom we stand. He's sure, steadfast, and worthy of our trust. He's calling us to live this life abandoned to Him, encouraged at all points by His Spirit and His Word and His people, looking to Him for all we need.

There's only this left to do:

Walk off the edge with Him. p.217

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