Friday, July 16, 2010

Much More than 'An Admirable Woman'

Corrie Ten Boom is a rare find. She is bold, strong and courageous, lacking a guard that so many of us have to live harmoniously without causing rifts. Rather, she speaks boldly of Christ and his love for us all. She keeps her focus fixed on God and the act of sharing Him with others during her time in concentration camps and prisons along with her time after release.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest' (Matthew 11:28). When you can believe that, you will know Someone is still interested in you. Someone still cares about you- not as a number, but as a person."

"In Ravensbruck, it was dangerous to use the Word of God. If you were caught teaching the Bible, you were killed in a cruel way, but the guards never knew that I had a Bible meeting twice each day in Barrack 28. The one jammed room was filthy, crawling with fleas and lice, and the guards never came inside the door. You see how the Lord used both angels and lice to keep my Bible in our posession?"

"I have told people about Him for thirty-three years, in sixty-four countries, and in all that time nobody has ever told me he was sorry he asked Jesus to come into his life. You won't be sorry either."

"You must travel all over the world and tell everybody who will listen what we have learned here-that Jesus is a reality and that He is stronger than all the powers of darkness. Tell them. Tell everyone who will listen! He is our greatest Friend, our Hiding place."

"I have a glove. This glove cannot do anything, but when my hand is in the glove, the glove can do many things. It can drive a car, it can write. Yes, I know, it is not the glove that does it, it is the hand inside the glove. You and I are- and Moses, David, and Paul were- just gloves. It was the Holy Spirit in them, and in you and me, who does the work. What we have to do is to make room for the Holy Spirit, and then miracles can happen in our lives."

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