Monday, May 14, 2012

Bringing Hope to the Hopeless- and I'm one of them

Dear Hopeless Ministry Worker,

Being involved in ministry is life-giving. Peoples lives changed, Jesus preached, Jesus lived-- ministries are amazing places through which God carries out His work.

But what happens when that involvement, that calling, that purpose becomes routine? When the very reason the work began and continues- JESUS- is glossed over in the mind of the worker? When taking schedules, medical forms, encouraging and inspiring others in their specific ministry goals, working with coworkers to get a fan in this building or a gluten-free meal for that individual...what happens when the heart of ministry becomes routine?  When the passion and the enjoyment of service becomes mundane? When following Christ's call to serve gets depleted of it's joy?

Every story is different...I have been a Guest Conferences Coordinator for "such a time as this" and I stronglly believe that there is a new page to turn. A new road to walk that will reveal more of God's heart. He asks us to lean on Him and follow.  He has provided enough insight and light to see that my role in this ministry has been effective, He is pleased, and He has a new journey for me to I trust and depend on Him.  He is providing enough insight to see that this place of lukewarmness and striving can be turned over to Him...and that He will I TRUST in Him.

Believing that He gives GRACE...He gives NEW LIFE.

He's consoling my heart with the truth that shifting gears is NOT GIVING UP. That HE is greater than one place, one chair, that His work exists EVERYWHERE, and extends out of one position.

So no matter where you are- certain that your time is not finished in the spot you are currently in with ministry or confident that it is time to heed a call to shift gears and be used in a different capacity, there is HOPE for you.

There truly is Hope for the hopeless and that hope is not only reserved for those that we help...
but for US too. It extends to EVERYONE.

There is ALWAYS hope -------------------------------------------------^

HOPE. GRACE. LOVE. Poured down to each of us in God's perfect blessing.

Thank you Father. For HOPE for the hopeless. Those without jobs, without children, those without You, without a spouse, those reading this, me... we are all not without hope.  In our weakness your GRACE is perfected in each spot of our journey with You.

Hopeful Christ Follower

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